Thursday, 6 April 2017

Know about how you can make professional stickers

It is the age of big businesses. With the internet growing big and a part of our everyday life, the business opportunities are huge too. So the business opportunities are like never before. This has brought about the growth of any young start ups. Companies which are getting started up now have the scope to grow fast and big in much less time than it was in the past. 

However if you are to grow big in your business you have to promote it intelligently. In one of our previous blogs titled "Stickers or Labels : A Great way to promote your business" we had explained how stickers and labels could be a great way to boost your business. However for that to happen you need stickers and labels which are professionally designed and are of the best quality.

Why Quality of stickers matter in current scenario?

The great business opportunities have also meant that we are having more and more entrepreneurs and all of them want to grow big. This has meant that along with the opportunities there is also cut throat competition. So no matter what business you may be in and what product or service you offer it must be of the best quality. Thus when you are going for stickers or labels too you need to ensure that they are of the highest quality. Let us see how you can go about doing that.

How to design professional stickers? 

When you want to have the best quality stickers for your stickers you need to go about it professionally. 

Decide on why you want the sticker or label designed? Identify the purpose

Before you go about using stickers for your business you need to decide exactly why you want it. Be clear about what you want from the sticker or label to achieve. In case it is for promotion of your business then think about how you can use them effectively.

Promotional Stickers what is important?

For promotional stickers think about the unique selling points (USPs) of your business. Think about the ideas which need to be communicated through the stickers which you want to communicate. You could just jot them down on a paper. In case you are good at art you could even make a tentative sketch of your ideas and scan the same into your computer.

You must consult a professional designer 

Once you have the exact idea about what is to be done with your stickers or labels consult a professional designer you can discuss with you about your ideas and thereby design the sticker or labels based on your needs.

Get the printing and other details done only with the professional designers 

As already emphasized the quality of the printing and overall stickers are very important to survive in the very competitive market. So you must make sure that you take the help of a professional in the field.
We at Stiker 4 u are one of the pioneers in the creation of professional stickers. So we have a full team of professionals who are expert designers and help you with in making customized stickers based on your need at most affordable prices. To know more about our services, please visit our website. 

Monday, 23 January 2017

5 Top benefits of using Barcode Stickers

Are you aware of Bar Codes? When you shop at the mall you will often find out that the person at the billing counter using a Bar code Machine and scans the various data like Product code, Price into the computer system. This is a great way to maintain all your records. One of our top selling sticker categories at Sticker4u is the category of Bar Code Stickers. So we thought it would be a good idea to make you aware of the top benefits of using Bar Code Stickers for your business. However before understanding the benefits of these stickers, let us first try to understand what they are.

What are Bar Code Stickers?

A bar code is a way of encoding information in a visual pattern that a machine can read. These bars have a combination of black and white bars. These represent different text characters which follows a set algorithm for that bar code type.  
Barcode stickers

A bar code scanner is a device which reads this pattern of bar codes and helps to feed into your computer. 

The 5 Major benefits of using Bar Code stickers

1. The use eliminates the possibility of any human error

Operational loss is a major loss which many businesses suffer as a result of human errors made by the staff. By using Bar Code stickers such human errors can easily be eliminated. Besides scanning data by means of these, entry and retrieving data is fast and reliable. It takes infinitely less time than entering data by hand. 

2. They are very versatile and user friendly 

Bar codes stickers are very versatile. They could be used for any kind of necessary data collection. It could be pricing or inventory information. Additionally, because these can be attached to just about any surface, thus you may use them in many ways. 

3. Bar code stickers are economical 

Using Bar code stickers is inexpensive to design and print. Thus it costs less regardless of their purpose, or where they will be affixed. They could also be customized economically, in a variety of finishes and materials. We at Sticker4u have the right experience and expertise to guide you in this matter with our exclusive category of Bar Code Stickers.

4. With them you have much better inventory control

Inventory control improves as a result of using Bar Code stickers. The reason for this is because of the fact bar codes makes it possible to track inventory very precisely. Thus inventory levels can be reduced. This leads to better management of inventory. The location of your inventory can also be tracked very easily. This reduces the time spent searching for inventory. As a result you have better cost control and a more overall profitable business by using them.

5. You can access data quickly

You can obtain data obtain easily by bar codes stickers easily. The reason for this being that the information is scanned directly into the central computer. It becomes ready almost instantaneously. This quick turnaround ensures that time will not be wasted on data entry or even on retrieval.
To order for Bar code Stickers please visit our website.

Promote By HTSM

Friday, 13 January 2017

Stickers or Labels : A Great way to promote your business

Stickers perform a great many functions today. Today with the latest innovations they can serve as labels, they could be used for invitations, luggage tags, and mailing labels and even as Birthday greetings. However apart from the numerous functions they perform stickers could also be a very effective way of promoting business too. 

Being in the business of designing and supplying a variety of stickers, we at Sticker4u would make you aware of ways which you could use to promote your business. 

Compared with other advertising materials, such as direct mailings and fancy brochures, stickers can be a cost-effective way to get your business’s name out there. But in order to make them effective for business promotion certain things must be taken care of. These are the following:

Making Stickers effective for promoting your business:

The Sticker design must be appealing to trigger a response

Designing the content and appearance is very important for stickers to be effective. Merely stating your business name, address and phone number is not sufficient. A nice looking sticker would immediately grab the attention of your potential customers. 

Stickers and Labels

Along with the appearance if the sticker has a pun or catchy phrase it could make a difference. A clever image, a easy single line message would be very effective too. Thus what is best about promoting business through stickers is that it is a very cost effective way to do the same. However you need the right design and professional designer for promotional stickers to deliver results. 

Promoting through stickers 

Stickers can indeed help by increasing the visibility of your business. You must take every opportunity to use them for your business promotion. You could arrange to be handed over to pedestrians or make them stick on their bags with your free gifts. All these put together can help to bring about more visibility. This in turn helps in better brand retention and thus better conversions. 

Could be helped through Co-branding 

Co branding in the local stores could also help in promotion of your business. You could visit local stores dealing in products similar to yours, which attract many customers and tie up with them to display stickers of your business. This is a great way of drawing potential customers to your business. 

Stickers are better way to promote business than permanent decorations

Stickers offer great flexibility. Unlike permanent decorations these can be changed from time to time to suit your need or suit your campaign. It is possible that your marketing strategies may change from time to time. 

Besides there may be different types of marketing campaigns you may be undertaking. Stickers are a great way to suit your need. Thus you could take the help of a certain kind of stickers to promote your business and then change them in accordance with the next campaign. This is a very cost effective. 

As already pointed out that stickers is indeed a great way to promote your business but the designing needs to be effective for your marketing to be successful. At Stickers4u we have been in business since long and deliver great results. To know more please visit our website.